Your friends are asking you to go out with them, but you really don't feel like it.
One of your friends offers to pick you up and drop you back home at the end of the night because he will stay sober and drive tonight.
… okay, not bad, but still you prefer staying at home.
You find out there is one of your favorite artists performing at the club tonight.
… well, that’s awesome but still, you are tired and it has been a long week.
The other friend says he is best friends with the owner of the club, so you don’t have to wait in line and get free entrance.
… okay, it gets interesting.
Another friend says she has something to celebrate and all drinks for the whole night are on her.
… This evening would be really awesome for sure.
Yet another friend says he received vouchers from his employer for one of the finest restaurants in town and wants someone to join him.
… you know there is no dinner for less than 200$ per person at that place and you have to wait weeks just to get a table. Passing this up would be insanity!
Finally, even your crush is texting you - her date canceled for tonight and she is asking you to come to town for a drink.
… you forget everything else, get dressed, and are out of the door!
Whatever you sell, at one point or another you will have to make an offer to the customer. Your offer can now make or break all preceding sales activities. Integrate a few wrong things, and you might stir up skepticism or even distrust. And then there are irresistible offers. Those are so good and explain so clearly the benefits, it will make your customers buy even weeks after the last conversation has passed.
This offer has to get through all the other marketing noise and daily demands in life to make sure the customer will also act upon it. Hence it is essential that you know how to structure a sales offer that sparks interest, creates trust, and ultimately gets bought because with all the benefits included buying is obviously the best thing to do for the situation our customer is in right now. Moreover, especially in B2B markets the offer will basically be your salesperson on paper or in the .pdf file you have sent.
The structure and alignment of your offer will influence how your products and your entire business are perceived. This perception will have a large impact on how much sales will be made and how much revenue you can generate. What we need is a lasting structure to achieve better ratios to help us close more deals, not just a short-term sales boost. We want to create the ultimate no-brainer for our clients to make it so easy and beneficial to buy from us, everything else would be dumb.
In this article, we will explain how you can achieve just that.
Creating an irresistible offer

There are several steps you can follow to make your sales offers become irresistible for your customers. Each one builds upon the effect of the preceding steps. They reveal their best effect when all of them are used in combination.
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating an irresistible offer. Your offer should always be tailored to your existing customers, target audience, buyer persona, etc. The more you know about them and the more data you have to make sure you really understand their situation, the better can you work with mental triggers that will get them to act now.
Ideally, you also have a truly great product. The best offers that bring in the most sales include the best products. But even with a generic and boring product, you can make your offers almost irresistible. Here is how you can structure such an offer and what to include to make it as appealing as possible.
1. Be clear
Offer a concise message, tailored to the customer and their specific situation. Be sure to also mention that the offering is specifically designed for the customer, and not something commonly sent out to everybody. Paint a picture in the customer’s head with your proposed solution. Use graphs and numbers if necessary to really demonstrate what will change when the customer decides to buy from you and how their situation will be better afterward.
This is the part where you can test and demonstrate your copywriting skills.
2. Offer a return on investment
Every offer since the beginning of mankind had a similar structure:
“If you do this… you get that…”
It is a very simple concept and can be used in many situations in our life over and over.
At the core, every offer with the potential to be successful has the “If You scratch my back, I scratch yours” anatomy built into it. Letting the customer know in what way he or she will receive value by purchasing your products is crucial. The more you can demonstrate that your product will make life better in any way after the purchase, the easier selling will be. People want to get something in return for their money. The higher and better return you can offer now, the more likely it is that people will also act upon it and buy from you.
Here comes the point many businesses struggle with:
What if your offer truly isn't that great for the money you ask?
Well, then by all means find ways to make it great! Improve the product, make a better version, a newer version, add features, provide free service, whatever it takes. Lasting success will only come from offering something truly beneficial, there is no shortcut.
If you can’t influence the product quality directly, then add something to make it a great deal for the customer. Bring along a service, a feature, a benefit - anything that could enhance the value and improve the buying experience. People will want to know how their lives will change by using this product. What exactly is the outcome people can expect?
We have to address the bigger picture, the end result that can be achieved, and how all this is making things better. Emphasize how this offer will make life better, easier, and more convenient. The higher you can alter the emotional states of your customers with it, the more you can get them to act.
3. Price
The next critical element will be the price you ask for the product. At some point, we have to show what we are asking for in our offer.
Make sure that before you mention the price you once again emphasize all the value and ROI the customer will receive for it. Price should therefore never be standing alone, but always in combination with all the benefits and features that will result from the product. You can work with discounts to create urgency, but be aware: Never lower prices to get a quick fix for a poor offering!
Rather get creative and think about how you can enhance value and make people’s lives easier. If necessary go back to point 2 and work on improving the ROI of your products. Load your sales offer with bonuses too good to pass up. How does your product change people’s lives? Make the price seem dirt cheap in comparison to what your product can do for the customer.
4. Offer Alternatives
What if the offer you make despite your best efforts will somehow not convince the customer? Usually, the customer has only two choices: a yes or a no.
The decision is binary, there are only two options. With one option the customer buys, and with the other option, you lose the sale.
If your offer does not really hit the right spot, chances are very high that you will receive a “no”. One easy trick you can now make use of is to give the customer more selection and offer several alternatives. If you would send an offer with a “standard” model, why not offer a “deluxe” version for a higher price and an “entry” version for a cheaper price?
Thereby you offer three different variations, aimed at three different situations for your customer.
If you sell insurance for example, you could offer a small bundle for 50$ per month, a bigger bundle with more benefits for 75$ per month, and an extra security bundle for 100$ a month.
The principle can be used in almost all kinds of scenarios.
Now the customer has not two, but four different options to choose:
“Yes” to the Standard version.
“Yes” to the Deluxe version.
“Yes” to the Entry version.
3 of the possible options are giving you a sale. Only one option makes you lose the customer now. With 3 different price points and variants of your initial product, chances are also much higher that the customer will find one of the versions just right for his or her situation. This works also if you include different formats, sizes, premium levels, etc. of products. If you sell a book, you might also want to offer it as an audiobook for people who don't like reading. Or you could offer a live course teaching the same content for more direct implementation. Or maybe some of your customers would respond better to videos and webinars, etc.
The more variety and flexibility are included in your offer, the more it will get your customers to act. Whatever fits your business best, make sure you do not leave the customer with only one thing to choose. We want to make buying easy. And the more selection we offer, the easier we decide to buy from us.
5. Include a strong Call-to-action
Every offer should get a customer to act and decide now. This is best achieved with scarcity or making otherwise known that the offer is not going to be around forever.
Maybe the offer is expiring next week, or the discount ends on Friday. Maybe there is only a limited number of the items available and most are already reserved. Give your customers a reason to act and let them know what you expect from them.
Next, let the prospect know exactly how to order from you. Imagine talking to a 7-year-old in this case. The most compelling offer lets you know in detail the next steps and what you have to do in each. It could sound something like this:
“Fill out the form and press the green Buy Button below. Our technicians will contact you as soon as possible and set up an appointment at your site. Your tailor-made solution will then be sent the next day to…” Etc.
6. Reduce the risk
People hate taking risks. And every new purchase we make is very risky since we never know if the product will fully live up to its promises.
On the other side, if you can guarantee successful use of the product, full satisfaction, quick delivery, simple handling, or otherwise offer a full refund for the product - you have removed risk from the purchase entirely.
The widely known 30-day money-back guarantee is used so often because a guarantee like this gives people confidence and assurance that the product will work as intended.
It also demonstrates our confidence in our products and proves that we ourselves really believe in their quality. All the risks associated with the purchase are thereby left on our side.
There are several tactics to reduce the risk and make the offer irresistible, described closer in the section “Reducing the risk”.
7. Build Trust
After a customer has seen the benefits, understood the ROI, has chosen one of the versions to fit his situation, and has seen that the price asked for the product is fair, there will be one last question on their mind:
Can I trust this person?
We have all been burned more than once by a company that promised something amazing when in the end we found out it was all just garbage and they lied in our faces.
Every customer automatically will ask themselves if we are a person or a company that can be trusted. Skepticism is something we can expect, even with our best intentions and efforts.
As there are many different ways to build trust with your irresistible offer, the next part of this article shows you in-depth 5 ways to build trust with your offering.
Let your offer build trust

When you design a sales offer that should be irresistible to the customer, you want it to be credible and trustworthy right away. Getting people to trust you is an important step in getting customers to act. And so we want to highlight the best possible features, make the biggest possible promise, and try to sound as convincing as possible. Our offer has to bring people’s mental defenses down and signal clearly that our company can be trusted and is a well-established player in the market.
With the following 5 tactics to build trust with an offer, your offer can build trust in an instant:
Less is often more
Even though we might do our best job to make a good offer there is a certain limit to how much we should praise our work. Getting this right is tricky as we also want to emphasize that the customer is making a good deal and that we are a top provider.
But there is a certain limit to being credible with making big claims. If you mention too many benefits, and make too bold statements and claims you might ring mental alarm bells in some people - even if your product really is that good. To highlight this fact, a direct marketer named Mike Enlow ran an experiment with newspaper ads. He probably made one of the biggest claims ever in advertising. His advertising experiment said:
“You will get 1.000$ in cash for every one dollar you give me!”
What do you think, how many people trusted this offer enough to give him a call or show up at his office?
No one. Not a single response. Yet his offer was not a scam - but he was trying to prove a point with it. When you make too bold claims, people will not trust you but mistrust you automatically. People have built-in B.S. detectors, and the overload of commercial messages throughout the last decades only made them better and more aware than ever.
Many online marketers selling courses and other self-acclaimed “gurus” heavily suffer from this disease. They make massive claims - but usually, people automatically ignore this ad because of them. A lot of bragging and these huge promises can quickly backfire on you.
Too many of us have been burned in the past when we fell for such promises as easy money, quick weight loss, unlimited love, or whatever.
You have to find the right balance between making big, believable claims and still being trustworthy in the eyes of your customers. The right dosage will depend on the market you are in, and on what your competitors or other industry professionals mention in their copy.
If you shot too far above the line compared to others in the industry, you might risk being mistrusted.
Use logic and transparency
If you truly have something to offer that will sound too good to be true, then give customers an easy understandable explanation of why you can make such an offer.
Explain logically to your customers why you can offer such a cheap price, for example.
Or why you can process their order so incredibly fast.
Or why buying from you is so unbelievably convenient. This is also a chance to demonstrate your expertise, professional handling, or other unique traits of your business that give you the edge over your competitors. If your offering is ridiculously cheap, you could for example explain that you source your products straight from the manufacturer without any intermediaries. Or that you don’t use fancy advertising campaigns on TV to keep the costs down.
Be transparent and share some logical steps so customers can follow the process to why your offering is as good as you say it is. If you have received an overload of material in your storage and have to liquidate quickly, be upfront about it and let people know.
Transparency is the first step to gaining trust. The more transparent you are, the more people will trust you.
Hence more transparency will lead to more trust for your brand or product. This will bring your sales offer from too good to be true to credible or even trusted. In contrast, the less transparent you are, the less likely people will trust you.
The more you keep things secret and hidden, the more people will question what is really going on behind the curtain. And this will make them less likely to jump at your sales offers.
VIP Customers
Is the president's office using one of your products?
Did Microsoft ever try your service and like it?
Has Google announced to partner with your company because you deliver great quality?
All these are not only high-ticket and high-profile customers that can bring you tons of revenue, but also massive credibility in your sales offer! Simply mentioning that a government organization is working with your products or that one of the largest banks in the country does business with you can boost your credibility in an instant. People have a herd mentality. If these VIPs use the product too, it must be good. This gives your offer social proof and demonstrates that even highly skilled and professional people are satisfied with your service. In case you have ever delivered your products or service to such a special customer, then by all means make sure that it is mentioned everywhere people come into contact with your business.
If you don’t already have VIP customers, you can alternatively also demonstrate the total number of customers such as McDonald's did a long time ago with their “over 2 billion burgers served” display to demonstrate the number of people deciding in favor of your business.
Awards and Honors
Was your product recognized in the industry as the best of its class?
Did a newspaper cover the story of your brand?
Has what you offer been scientifically proven to work?
People want to be assured that they are making good decisions and are naturally drawn toward winners and the best in what they do. This effect works similarly to the previously discussed VIP Customers. We have this winner-takes-all attitude in our society where those who are in the first spot earn even more business - just because they are in the first spot.
If others have favored your brand or product in any way, you can use their credibility to improve your sales offers. The higher the award or medium that has mentioned you, the more boost you will get out of it. For example, if the New York Times mentioned your product you will get a much stronger boost in credibility than if just a blog on the internet mentioned it. Make sure you highlight all the awards, reports, and recognition you have received for your products or services on your offer.
Nothing beats other customers advocating that buying your product was one great decision.
Especially if you sell online, reviews and testimonials can work wonders for your conversion rate. Studies have shown that the opinion of some stranger we read online has the same level of impact as if a friend has recommended the product to us. These testimonials are a huge factor in making buying decisions and can make or break a deal easily. Be therefore sure to also include voices from happy customers in your offer. High-profile clients or VIP customers who advocate your product can have a particularly strong influence on buying decisions.
The strongest impact can be achieved by showing how the lives of customers changed after buying from you, or how using your product made their lives better. This effect works best when you also can demonstrate some cases where the odds for success, at first sight, might have really looked small. It is the effect of “If they can do it, so can I”, and it is very powerful if you can demonstrate how your product worked wonders for others or even have someone else tell in their words why their life is changed now for the better.
Thus select your past customers who were in the worst possible situations, and then show them the results they had. If you are a personal trainer for example, look for the “biggest” clients you have had who have lost many pounds after signing up with you. If you are a financial advisor, demonstrate clients who were broke and in debt and now have their retirement portfolio growing since enjoying your services. Or if you sell B2B products, select the smallest and most underrated company you delivered to in the past and demonstrate how your product helped fuel their business growth.
Giving the comparison to other people who might even be in an inferior situation is an incredibly powerful trigger you can use to boost your credibility and establish more trust.
Reducing the risk
A very big obstacle for every customer is the risk that the product will not deliver what is expected, break down, the investment turns sour, or other flaws and usual problems that might occur.
The more we can comfort our customers and guarantee that we are absolutely sure our product is of high quality and will fulfill its promise, the easier can we convince people to buy from us. Here are some ways to reduce the risk in every purchase for the customer:
Money Back Guarantee
“If you are not totally satisfied with your purchase, the full price will be refunded - no questions asked.”
Even though this tactic is very common and obvious, there are dozens of businesses not using it and also not offering any alternative. Suppose you are the only provider in your market who fully reduces the risk for customers by offering such a guarantee. In that case, this can already give you a competitive advantage over the other players in your industry.
Try before you buy
“You will not be billed anything until after you have tested the product for 30 days.”
In many industries, it is easy to let a customer try a product for free for a certain time. Trials can last one week, two weeks, or even 30 days. Ideally, your service or product is so good, and convenient or makes life so much easier that people will get used to using the service, and going back to life “before” will be a major inconvenience. You can also postpone your billing or not cash a check for 30 days. In this case, you allow the customer to tell you that if they are not fully satisfied they will never be billed at all. Fun Fact: 99% of people have forgotten about this option in 30 days, but still it will work strongly in your favor when it is included in your offer to improve closing rates.
Payment Plans
“For only 10$ down today you can take it home and pay the rest later!”
A small initial payment is seen as a lower risk compared to a high payment which has to be made today. People’s perception is often distorted when it comes to payment plans. All they think about is the 10$ today, even though it might also be 10$ every month for the next 5 years. To make your offer even more irresistible, combine this tactic with a generous return policy. If your product really delivers what it promises, this will bring the risk associated with buying almost to zero.
“If the machine should break down within the next 2 years, we will handle the repair on-site for no extra charges within the next 24 hours.”
Especially in B2B markets or for industrial products, the potential failure or breakdown of your product will be a concern for customers. With generous warranties and service agreements, you can remove this risk entirely and let the customer know that he can relax in case anything should go wrong because your team will be there to fix it.
Loss Leaders
“Try a free sample!”
In this case, we initially offer a product that is so heavily discounted we will actually lose money on it. Or we can even give a first sample totally for free. Our product has to be so good, that customers who have tried it will keep coming back to us for more. The sales we hope to make afterward will justify the initial loss to acquire a customer. This works best in consumer-goods industries where products are bought again and again continuously.
Please note that although this tactic often works, it is a very big and risky bet. The business absolutely has to be sure the product will get people to come back. Otherwise, this tactic can also quickly backfire. I would not recommend it for Start-Ups or any sort of new products where you can’t predict if someone will ever come back to buy more.
Free Support / Education
If you have a complex product with many different features, or if your service requires a deeper understanding of certain processes and underlying ideas, you can offer to help the client with better implementation. Software companies often have whole departments for “Customer Success” - ensuring that the people who bought the product also make the best possible use of it. Although this tactic reduces risk and makes your offer a much better deal, you also have to take into account the overhead expenses that education or professional customer support will create and include it in your pricing.
Pay for results
“No upfront payment. If our service boosts your revenue we will take 20% of the increase in revenue. If we fail to meet our objective you pay nothing.”
If you are really confident about the results your products or services bring to a client, you can dare to only bill an amount paid on the results you deliver. In this case, you also need to have a bulletproof way of tracking results in place to make sure everything is well-documented. This tactic should make your offer truly irresistible because you actually shoulder the entire risk and even could end up not getting paid for your time if you fail to deliver. This is a very strong tactic to get customers to act, but be careful to really deliver what you promised.
Stacking benefits

If all the previous tactics aren’t enough to convince most of your customers to act on your offer and buy right now, there is still another way to boost your conversion rates. In fact, this tactic is one of the most powerful tools in your sales arsenal. You can already observe its power in the introduction. With stacking benefits, you align so many benefits one after the other of your product or offering, that at a certain point, your customer almost has to say: “Wait! I have had enough! Let me have it!”
It is one of the most successful sales methods in history. If you know it you can observe that almost every successful in-person sale is made using this technique.
Especially people who sell on the stage and sell to an audience are using “The Stack” extensively. It creates an emotional arousal state in the customer which makes it almost unbearable to not act and just sit on your hands. The only logical option the customer has left at this point is to buy from you right now.
The process of how this works is pretty simple.
Here is an example:
You hear that there is a new restaurant in town. You have read an article in the newspaper that it is amazing, and friends as well as colleagues from work tell you how incredible the experience was to have dinner there. As you do a little research, you find out that the restaurant is owned by a multi-millionaire who cares deeply about feeding people and giving food away to others who are less blessed financially.
As a result of this, no item on the menu costs more than 6$, no matter what it is. With the great contacts this millionaire has, he managed to get some of the best European, Continental, and Asian chefs of the world to work there permanently. The menu therefore features all kinds of kitchens from around the globe like Sushi from original Japanese sushi chefs, French cuisine by awared chefs from Paris, and more of the finest culinary experiences the rest of the world has to offer.
The steak menu alone offers more than 15 cuts of the finest meets including organic Chateaubriand and Porterhouse Steaks. They also offer more than 20 different types of seafood dishes including clams, scallops, and the finest fish such as red snapper, prepared by the world’s top chefs. Again, none of these items cost more than 6$.
The wine menu is incredible as well, and no bottle of wine on the menu costs more than 5$ no matter which wine it is. If you have a hard time selecting your wine, the in-house sommelier will help you select the perfect wine to accompany your dishes. Most of these wines come from southern France or Italy and are from some of the oldest wineries in the world.
Of course, there is also a large selection of sparkling wines and champagne at no more than 5$ a bottle. The restaurant itself is located in an incredible site downtown, on top of a skyscraper with marvelous views across the entire city. The clever architecture allows almost all tables to have a window seat or at least the full view as if you were sitting at the window.
A private elevator takes you there, and you arrive in the hallway with a 50-foot-high waterfall. To entertain the kids during dinner, colorful birds are living in separate parts of the restaurant, along with monkeys, crocodiles, and many other animals. The restaurant thereby has a separate compartment of a zoo included, all with free entrance to learn about exotic animals and have your kids entertained while you enjoy your dinner. The restaurant offers free parking at all times directly in the building and even has a limousine service to pick you up for free if you want to have dinner there.
And so forth….
Now… At what point have you had enough?
At what point did you say:
“Stop! When can I go? Shut up and take my money!”
This is stacking benefits in action. At some point you would have to be almost stupid not to buy the products - because there are obviously so many benefits you can get out of it.
This technique is so strong because we all might have different points of what it takes to convince us, but by stacking one benefit after the other you end up building more and more momentum until it becomes irresistible for people and they basically have to buy from you.
The more benefits you can name for your product, the stronger will you pull people to sign your offer on the spot. This also taps into the power of the “length implies strength” effect, which acts as a strong psychological trigger for our buying behavior.
You can learn about it in more detail in our article on How To Make Advertisement That Sells.
However, make sure you stay ethical and really keep your word when you make such big promises. Also, consider the “less is more” section of this article about building trust. Only show off what you can also really deliver.
What not to include in an irresistible sales offer
To find the anatomy of the perfect offering to get more sales and make your product absolutely in demand right now, first let's begin with what not to include in your offer.
Too many offers you see in daily life are overloaded with too much information or plainly the wrong information. The attention spans of our customers are shorter than ever, and getting someone to really consider what we suggest has become an increasingly rare moment. A few wrong words can be enough for your audience to tune out and ignore your offer.
It is therefore crucial that we meet the customer’s expectations and give them clear reasons to act right now. To achieve that, we have to reduce our offer to only the most important parts. Here are a few of the things your irresistible offer should therefore not include:
Avoid Special Offers
Discounts are an effective way to create scarcity, but we should not make our offer special every time. Special offers are commonly used for a short boost in sales. They work great in typical downtimes for seasonal businesses or similar. However, if your entire business should be successful in the long run, you can’t base your marketing and sales strategy on special offers. A special offer implies that it only lasts a certain time - which is against what we are trying to achieve. What will happen after this special time is over?
What we want to achieve is lasting success and sales offers that will continue to bring in new customers time and time again. We need an evergreen solution to transform your business and not a good-weather approach. Hence we need to have a solid foundation for our offering, and not short-term views. This automatically excludes any kind of special offers.
Too Many Facts and Figures
This is another classical element in sales offers, used over and over again.
Okay, so your production facility has 60,000 square feet. You have 500 employees.
You have been in business since 1960.
Guess what… no one cares. No. One. Also forget pie charts about what your company does, the industries you are in, or any other plain boring company material. If someone is interested in a corporate presentation, show this data upfront. But this is nothing to include in a sales offer. Such facts become a distraction and thus deter customers from buying. They are boring and do not get anybody to act. A classical school or textbook example of a presentation is not something that gets buyers excited and raving about your product.
Sure you can be proud of such figures as the owner, and if necessary include it in your company brochures. Nobody reads them anyway. But this has to stay out of your sales offers. Instead of bringing the customer excitement and a high emotional state to make them want to buy, these elements bore them with data.
Customers don’t want data, they want to know what they spend their money on will be more than worth it. As attention is really scarce these days, focus more on how the life or situation will be better after the purchase.
Your USP
Differentiation is one of the biggest laws you will find in every business or marketing book, study, or other kind of material. In some circles, it even has reached a religious status, that without differentiation and a strong USP, there is no chance of doing business.
While I agree that you should absolutely have something unique to offer in general, it has nothing to do with your sales offers. The USP is essential for your strategy in business, but it does not belong on your sales offer.
Walmart for instance has a very, very strong USP with their chain of supermarket stores across the entire US and their massive buying power to offer ultra-low prices of almost anything. This gives the company a very strong standing position in marketing, from a strategic view.
However your sales offer will not demand a strategic view, and it is not the place for corporate strategy. It has to make sense for the customer’s situation. They want to know they are making a good deal and don’t care about your strategic perspective.
The focus of our USP is on the company - not on the customer. For your optimal offering, you must have the buyer in the focus at all times, and explain what the buyer gets out of this deal today. For your sales offers, you should only include what is really necessary.
A Cheaper Price
The easiest way to make your offer a better deal would be to reduce prices. It works immediately, and it will draw a lot of customers towards you pretty quickly. Some businesses are drawn to lowering their prices because they don’t want to put in the creative work to make their products more desirable. This is usually a path to severe financial problems or even bankruptcy. The reason is simple:
Lowering prices is based on the false assumption that if you lower prices, you will sell more volume.
This additional volume will make it up for the lower margin on each product.
Great theory. But does it really work that way? Have you ever done the math behind “making it up in volume”? Let me quickly share the numbers behind what you need to really “make it up in numbers”.

These numbers reveal shocking data:
If a business has a margin of 30% and only gives a 10% discount on its offerings, the same business will have to sell 50% more in volume just to break even!
If you now only make 40% more revenue with the lower price - you are losing money!
Even if you can make up incredible volumes of additional 60% or more in sales required to actually be profitable (we only talk about a mere 10% discount!), you are faced with a completely new problem:
Can you really deliver the same quality with 60% more output from one day to another?
Are your material management, production process, and all other parts of the business ready to scale so fast? Is your team ready to handle the additional customer complaints or requests people will have?
Usually, the answer for most business owners is no to all three, given they would even make up such an incredible success from one day to the other with their lower prices which is needed to allow for profitability in the first place. Even worse, this process can’t be reversed.
If a customer has learned that you offer things cheaply on occasion, they will wait until the time is right. In most cases this does not result in loads of additional customers coming in, but in your usual customers paying less for your products.
As the quality standards can’t be met anymore, complaints start rising, and the reputation of your once-shining business goes down the drain. And in today’s global economy, there will always be some company from Bangladesh or Pakistan offering the same product for even less than you could ever do… Altogether, this creates a simple rule for making the best sales offer:
Don’t lower prices.
How to Create an Irresistible Offer - Summaized
First, look at your current offers, and make sure only to include relevant details
Offer a high Return on Invest - make buying obviously the best thing to do.
Establish Trust and Credibility by mentioning VIP customers, Awards, Testimonials, Transparency, etc.
Mention your price together with all the benefits and features. Describe how life will be better after the purchase.
Offer alternative packages with alternative prices.
Reduce the risk by offering things such as payment options, money-back guarantees, free warranty, etc.
Stack as many benefits as you can, and then ask for the sale.